Are Green Businesses Viable?

In the last decade, the growth of a new business model popularly known as the green business has been observed. This type of company is characterized by developing a sustainable economic model and by its environmentally friendly philosophy.

The rise of this type of company not only responds to a new consumer trend – green is in fashion – but also to a social demand. And it is that more and more consumers are sensitized and committed to the need to take care of the environment. These customers demand sustainable production processes and are looking for eco-friendly products that are respectful of both the environment and the environment in which they are found.

Advantages Of Green Businesses

sectors of green Business

Organizations that respect the environment are not only viable and profitable, they are also necessary if we want to protect the environment and guarantee natural resources for the future.

In addition to being respectful with the environment and promoting responsible consumption habits, eco-companies benefit from a number of other advantages, including:

  • They cover a need with more and more demand. More and more customers who are aware of the environment are looking for products with ecological stamps, which guarantee the commitment of products to the environment. Improve the image of your business. Consumers value more those companies committed to environmental care. In addition, organic products are often associated with other concepts, such as “healthy” or “quality”. This causes green companies to be more recognized and valued than their competitors.
  • In the medium-long term, they are cheaper than non-ecological companies. Green companies are characterized by seeking production, transport, and sale processes that reduce both polluting emissions and the consumption of resources and energy, which translates into significant economic savings.

Sectors In Which You Can Start Your Organic Business

Despite the fact that ecology seems to have always been more associated with the food sector, the truth is that ecology and sustainability are not exclusive to this area.

Currently, there are a wide variety of green businesses belonging to different sectors. Some of them are:


It is, without a doubt, the most popular sector thanks to organic farming, which is characterized by growing food, optimizing natural resources, and avoiding the use of chemicals such as pesticides. In addition to the shops where this type of crop is sold, organic restaurants and responsible catering services are becoming more and more frequent.

Tourism or ecotourism

This alternative tourism trend has experienced rapid growth, showing that more and more customers are looking for products and experiences that are responsible for the environment.


Sustainable construction or bio-construction, has also seen its demand increase. This construction model is characterized by the use of recycled resources and by the use of renewable and low-consumption energy. In addition, they are usually constructions that are integrated into their environment, avoiding an environmental impact as much as possible.

Natural cosmetics

This is characterized by the production of healthier cosmetic products, such as soaps, creams, masks or oils, as they are made with 100% natural products and presented in recyclable packaging.

Renewable energy

These companies are looking for new models of less polluting energy whose source is inexhaustible, such as wind energy, solar energy, or biofuels.


The world of design has also joined this trend. More and more textile and decoration and furniture companies use environmentally friendly processes and use recycled or ecological materials in their creations.

For decades, the business world has been one of the main enemies of ecology, especially the industrial sector, which has favored the destruction and pollution of the environment. However, today it seems that change is possible. More and more companies are looking for sustainable solutions, business formulas that are respectful of nature and beneficial both for the environment and for the company itself and the rest of society.

Green business models are, in addition to being a necessity for social well-being, a safe and profitable bet for the future.